Hacking Tools

I’m slowly adding to this page. I’m mostly adding things that take forever to download for example a 64bit Kali Distro direct from their site takes about an hour for a small 2gb image.


[gview file=”http://n3m.07f.mywebsitetransfer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/WPE-PRO-CODY2.zip”]

Notes: Today I went through the Linux  based Crunch source code, trying to quickly port it to windows for use of OCLHashCat64  to GPU crack wifi passwords. Since most windows graphics cards can parse millions of passwords in such a short time. I couldn’t find a crunch release on windows. Maybe later I’ll try to replace code using windows 32/64 functions to replace sys\wait.h  functions and process thread monitoring functions.  PLEASE EMAIL ME IF ANY PROBLEM OCCUR USING THIS PORTED CRUNCH IN WINDOWS CODYOEBEL@gmail.com

Click here to Download Crunch

Click here  to Download the Windows Crunch source code. 

Rufus – a quick imaging program to make usb’s bootable to whichever image you select.

Download Rufus

Kali-Linux 64bit OS –   If you dont know what this is you probably dont need to download it. It’s an operating system, dedicated to breaking, and entering into networks, and computers. Doing things like cracking wifi securities etc..

Download KALI linux here


**FOR HACKING \ CRACKING WIFI PASSWORD HASH (WPA Handshake interception) capture files** M1lks 13GB WPA list (For doing WPA cracking) using OCLhashcat with cuda cores :). It’s 4.4GB compressed, but over 13GB decompressed.

Download WPA dictionary list

OCLhashcat64  (For GPU processed ultra fast password cracking)

Download OCLHashcat