I created this page on 07/1/2016, and will be updating it over time. **VIDEOS WILL BE ADDED BELOW**
- Once you get the RasberryPi configured and your logged in. I suggest using Gordon’s wiringPi.h library in C programming. C programming on the Arm7 platform has shown to be 122x as fast as using python scripts, and wrapper languages. To configure C\C++ on Rasberry. Type apt-get install codeblocks.
- Create a console project, and follow these instructions to get the wiringPi.h library to work properly. Goto Settings->Compiler and Debbuger, Choose Linker settings tab.
In Link libraries click add and choose “/usr/lib/libwiringPi.so then go to Settings->Environment
In Terminal to launch console programs: sudo xterm -T $TITLE -e - Now write your code, or use code from my website posted below for your personal projects.
Here with myRasberry Pi – I am Configuring a webserver on Rasbian Linux, and
running the apache webserver to parse various php files such as the php index. Which has buttons to output POST data to php files that then get read by a python script, and it control’s external electronics. The idea is to engineer a product that is packaged with a simple UI.
This project date is current 7/6/2016
Some useful commands for the Rasberry Pi.
First install x11vnc with sudo apt-get install x11vnc
Now configure it’s password with: x11vnc -setpasswd
Now create a password for remote login.
Then run this X11vnc Start Up command.
sudo x11vnc -xkb -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -display :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -usepw
This gives a shared viewing session. I personally like to add a bash shell to auto run this for me by typing cd /usr/bin then type nano StarVNC.sh in the nano editor copy the above long startup command. Hit ctrl+x, then press y to confirm. Now type chmod +x StartVNC.sh to make the file executable. Now simply calling StartVNC.sh from the terminal will launch the x11VNC server service. You can add the script in /etc/init.d/scriptname and then use command update-rc.d scritptname defaults
x11Vnc – Start up command for port 5950:
sudo x11vnc -auth guess -forever -loop -noxdamage -repeat -rfbauth /home/pi/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5950 -shared
Since the Raspbian operating system was updated back at the end of January 2015 (kernel 3.18.8 and higher) which enabled Device Tree, the above steps do not result in the temperature sensor(s) being detected.
Now you need to enter the following at the command prompt:
to open the /boot/config.txt file for editing. Then scroll down to the bottom of the file, and add the line:
Ctrl-X to save the amended file.
Finally reboot the Raspberry Pi so that the changes take effect.
Now at the command prompt enter:
to see a list of the devices currently connected to your Raspberry Pi.
Your temperature sensor will appear with an address in the format 28-00000xxxxxx. Below you can see that our temperature sensor address was 28-00000283c6cd. Each DS18B20 temperature sensor has a unique hard-coded address so that you can connect up multiple temperature sensors when required and still read them individually.